Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Parasitic Organisms and Children

Technically, in scientific terms, a baby is a parasite. Think about it! It lives inside of you, and it feeds off of the material that you consume for energy. Assuming, of course, that you are a pregnant lady. Which, thinking back on that, is a pretty big assumption.
Granted, it is a parasite that we want to have, normally, but it's a parasite.
Furthermore, using definitions from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, we can prove it:

   : an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
   : something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but babies do live in people, do they not? And hey, they depend on their parents for support in existence without any adequate or useful return as well. Some do that until they're thirty five years old.
Then, because it's mentioned, and just for fun and the sake of being stupid, we can look at the definition for parasitism:

   : the behavior of a parasite
   : an intimate association between organisms of two or more kinds; especially: one in which a parasite obtains benefits from a host which it usually injures
   : parasitosis
A mother slash baby association could most certainly be considered intimate, in the very least. To top that off, we can say that it fits the last part of the definition. They do obtain benefit from and injure their hosts (Cough cough, mothers), if only a little. I mean, babies do kick, so we can say that they are especially parasites. It's something that they're known for. And just for the sake of doing so, let's look at parasitosis:

1    : infestation with or disease caused by parasites

Children could definitely be described as an infestation. That's how I would describe my siblings, at least. And, though I wouldn't really know from first hand experience, I'm sure that motherhood is a disease.
Long story short, don't over think parasites. Or children. You may find a correlation.People, this is why we don't refer to babies in scientific terms.

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